the proud ship enter the harbor,
having weathered the storms of life,
completing a long journey of commitment.
Finally achieving the goal set out.
harbor is calm. No storms in sight.
Completing this leg of the journey.
Looking forward to the future,
a fresh future, no questions, no doubt.
path had been set, the course charted,
principals, family, values and life's goals.
This strong ship has navigated the tempest
and the churning of life's challenges,
now proudly returning home.
with its masts held high,
supported by accomplishment.
Sustained by, driven, propelled by
unshakable goals.
Held stable through it all
by a life-long faith.
am blessed,
This leg of my journey is complete.
I can rest in this sweet, safe, calm
But I have a new voyage to start,
new courses to set.
New challenges that I have not seen.
I have a new life to start ---
my life in retirement.